In other Valkyrie blog posts we have talked about event measurement, however, how can we monitor our experiences, and through social media? In this post we explain step by step what to take into account.
Be present in networks!
The first decision to be made if you want to use the networks as a monitoring tool is to create specific profiles for the event, or in any case, for the organizing company. This fact will allow you to position it and start attracting an audience, with which to establish a community, and determine a real value to the event. Make yourself visible!
How to get started in networks? The hashtag
In order to consolidate the event and increase participation, it is essential to create one or several hashtags
that bring together the most characteristic elements of the experience you intend to offer. In this sense, the hashtag should be created in line with the values or expectations of your event, since following the same idea in all branches of its communication will allow it to be captured by the audience as you wish.
Hashtags should be short, between 8 or 9 characters. It is not recommended that they be capitalized, nor that two vowels coincide between word and word (in the case of being composed of two). It should also be linked to the theme of the product, brand or event, and try to be as original and unique as possible. During the event, you can leverage hashtag uses to generate engagement.
The hashtag is conceived with the idea that it serves to spread, capture the maximum possible audience or consolidate a brand, or in other words, to establish loyalty on the part of the community. Thus, once created, to give it visibility, it can be placed in the biographies of the social network profiles, in the stories or publications surrounding the event, in the newsletters or press releases, as well as on objects of merchandising for the promotion of the event: flyerspens, T-shirts, etc.
The previous aspect can also be worked from affiliate marketing, a technique based on using popular network profiles, the well-known influencers, to encourage their followers to be part of the event. For example, you can create lists on Twitter with users who are influential in your audience: speakers, organizers, collaborators, etc.
Publicize the event
Making your event visible is not a matter of a week, that is to say, it is essential to prepare the launching campaign beforehand. This preliminary work, in fact, also includes drawing up a possible crisis plan in case a conflict arises, whether online or offline. Ask yourself about the obstacles you may encounter, the guidelines you will follow to solve them, who will be responsible, and most importantly, the impact it may have on the image of the event.
During the event
Keep social networks alive and use hashtags at all times.
at all times. Program in advance certain content that you can publish during the celebration: guest profiles, sponsors, photos and videos of the pre-production, etc. For this, we recommend the Hootsuite tool , since it allows us to organize and automate the content in an agile and efficient way. Another tool, although paid, is the use of TwitterWalls, the Twitter option that allows you to see live the interaction of your audience, making it possible to answer live the questions they ask you, or to make them participate in the conversation. Don’t forget, on the other hand, to repost the content that your followers make about your event (hootsuite also allows you to do this with its monitoring option).
And then, what should you do?
Remember to thank your audience for attending and actively participating in the event. Publish content that summarizes the day or key points, or choose to send a press release to the media. As for the impact, keep in mind to establish the KPI indexes to measure the reach, you can do it, for example, through the Metricool tool, one of the most popular.
Finally, the summary of the study will focus on your evaluation report, which should include data related to your initial objectives. To do this, try to know which users have been the most active, it will help you to establish the most active users.
for other similar events; moments of more interaction, opinions given by satisfaction surveys, subsequent engagement , new users captured, etc.
Cheer up and make the most of social networks!