
4 tips for your next corporate Christmas event

The Christmas holidays are approaching! A perfect excuse to strengthen communication and working relationships in the team. So, today we give you 4 tips for your next corporate Christmas event.

Holding a Christmas event is a great opportunity to thank the team, share innovative activities and experience a friendlier environment. We know that organizing an event of this magnitude requires dedication and planning.

Planning is everything!

Many might say that Christmas is still three months away, but those of us who organize events know that we are just in time to start preparing everything.

We will give you three tools so you can start planning every detail and not miss the dates:

Event Planner: it is ideal for planning events, it has a simple interface and works as if it were a list, it facilitates the steps and elements when organizing an event.

Superevent: you can add the necessary information about the attendees with whom conversations can be established.

Doodle: it’s free! Users can create events and initiate conversations with guests. You will get to know their preferences and clarify doubts about the holiday.


2. Opt for an innovative event

Hosting classic dinners with an extensive table has been around for decades, but this is part of the Christmas tradition, and we love it! Get away from the routine and choose a different proposal. Can we go further? Of course it is!

The idea of an innovative event with employees is that they can also have fun and connect in a different and more effective way. It doesn’t have to be 100% formal!

You have to make sure that no one can resist going to the event. The important thing here is that they go because they feel like it and not out of commitment.

In the following section we give you more details to make your corporate event innovative.


3. Conduct team building activities

Team building is a trending concept that refers to activities that improve relationships and conflict resolution. Undoubtedly, this can be applied to a Christmas event in a more entertaining and fun way. The advantage is that it will help reduce stress, improve the work environment and increase team confidence.

Within the activities you have a variety to choose from. You can include innovative activities that make use of emerging technology. For example: games with gamification, virtual reality experiences, competitions with the use of apps such as Kahoot, etc.

And if we refer to traditional activities, we can include challenges, arts and crafts, painting, games of chance, circuits, etc.


4. Catering is important

As we had told you in the first point, dinners are a tradition at Christmas and it is something that cannot be missing in your event. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable and delicious catering that will leave your team happy.

We recommend that you take into account the theme of the dinner and the style of the gastronomic menu. Make sure everyone is satisfied and happy with your choice. Don’t forget to consider the preferences of each team member to create differentiated menus, you can include vegan options while keeping the traditional ones.


After taking into account these 3 tips, we know that you need a partner to help you carry out this event. With Valkyrie you can make it possible! We have many years of experience organizing corporate Christmas events.

Today we share with you our Christmas catalog,contact us and reserve your date in advance!

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