How should be the leadership of women in the 21st century and the management of soft skills in organizations? On November 22nd at Bital, co-organized by theSchool of Public Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Valkiria, we reflected on how to manage talent through values from the perspective of the public and private sector.
A different vision of leadership based on values
Simon Dolan, a world reference in values and the future of work and president of Global Future of Work Foundation (GFWF), explained the necessary conditions to lead in this new world: establish trust with your collaborators, communicate and live your values in a coherent way and identify the leadership skills you lack and do something about it.
Panell de directivess extraordinàries: reptes i oportunitats
“You have to put into practice actions based on what you hear from your team,” explained Sònia Serracarbassa, Director of the Catalunya Convention Bureau – Catalan Tourism Agency.
Sònia Serracarbassa
Director Catalunya Convention Bureau – Agència Catalana de Turisme. For Sònia, to lead is to go beyond promotion and recruitment for the business. It is to know what the needs of the industry and the sector are.
Anna Mercadé
Director of the Observatori Dona, Empresa i Economia of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, defended the feminine values in the Administrative Councils of the companies but moreover, “we have to be aware that women have internalized the masculine patterns“, she said.
In 70% of companies in Catalonia there are no women on the Board of Directors. The objective for 2030 is to have 50% of decision-making positions occupied by women.
Not only was there a debate about the wage gap, the glass ceiling… but also the shortage of STEM professionals, commented the Director of Talent Acquisition and Mobility at Schneider Electric,
Eva Roca
. He focused on breaking down stereotypes in primary schools and explaining what an engineer does in his company.
For Ester Manzano
Ester Manzano
Ester Manzano, Director General of Modernization and Innovation of the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, if you don’t workfrom values, you can’t succeed. “Being sensitive to lead is not the same as being weak, you have to change the mindset and take advantage of technology”.
“Al sector públic canviem la vida de les persones”. Així ens impactava
Ariadna Rectoret,
Director of the Consorci per a la Formació Contínua de Catalunya. In the Public Administration, 66% are women and female leadership is never individual.
From HR Director to General Manager, at the age of 32, pregnant and in a world of men,
Marta Labata
Marta Labata, General Director of Barcelona de Serveis Municipals (BSM) brought us two vital keys: not to renounce to be who you are and to believe to see (with projects and people).
People connected emotionally through values
What are the main values for a female leadership to empower the talent of the future? This was the challenge that gave way to the work dynamics of the attendees.
Agraïments a:
Public Administration School of the Generalitat de Catalunya:
- Eulàlia Pla Rius
- Tània Fernàndez Lleonart
- Arantxa Castedo López
Mrs. Núria Balada Cardona, President of the Institut Català de les Dones
Mr. Xavier Gatius i Garriga, Secretary General of Digital Policies and Public Administration
Ms. Joana Barbany i Freixa, Director General of Societat Digital
Equip Valkyrie:
Yolanda Triviño, CEO & Co-Founder Valkira
Véronique Barlagne, Cecilia Bracco, Alexander Arnal, Cristina Vidal, Flor Cepero.
Mercè Martínez Martos – Espai Bital
Image technician:
David Hidalgo
So Tècnic: Roger
AV Services Barcelona
The post El co-lideratge és el lideratge femení appeared first on World Work Innovation Barcelona.