
Are you part of a Smart Mice Destination?

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The word Smart is defined in the dictionary as intelligent or brilliant. Having other possible conceptions such as fast or ingenious. But Smart goes beyond a simple definition, and the Smart world is increasingly dominating our daily lives.

This concept was born associated with the application of technologies to new open innovation models. Therefore, we believe it is appropriate for our readers to become familiar with the term, technology and innovation are the present and the future, as is the Smart world.

The implementation of Smart has spread to the MICE sector, but if we specify in business tourism this is part of a more global and strategic concept; the Smart Destination.

In order to work on the term Smart MICE Destination, we must ask ourselves: Can it lead a future strategy process? What benefits and limitations can this model represent? How can the MICE sector benefit with respect to other sectors such as technology, mobility, urban planning, among others?

Smart Mice Destination

The ultimate yet concise question; do we want to be Smart, yes or no?

Is Smart a global terminology concept?

A Smart Destination is a destination that aims to improve both the quality of life of residents and the experience of visiting tourists, trying to achieve interaction between the local citizen and the Smart Tourist.

Smart destinations are considered to be those that implement innovation, make use of current technologies, guarantee a sustainable developmentof the territory and are accessible to different profiles. As well as defining characteristics, these destinations must take on challenges such as:

  • Competing in an increasingly globalized economy
  • Improving internal management or marketing processes
  • Seek environmental sustainability (in terms of internal and external management).

Factors that define a destination as Smart

Already mentioned above, technology, innovation, sustainability and accessibility are the 4 fundamental areas to consider a destination as Smart.

  1. Technology: It is considered the means used for a destination to become Smart, its use is fundamental, since it is what surrounds us and makes us stand out nowadays. Some ways of technological implementation are Big Data or Artificial Intelligence, which can save time, energy and money.
  2. Innovation: In the process of transformation from a destination to Smart, innovation must be present, in order to provide answers to growing needs. There must be a starting point and reference, in order to be able to develop innovative ideas.
  3. Sustainability: Not only must the environmental factor be preserved, but sustainability must also be applied to the economic and socio-cultural aspects.
  4. Accessibility: A Smart destination is aimed at people, at citizens; implementing technology and innovation is not enough. The destination must be adapted to the needs of the users, both individual and collective. The greater the accessibility, the greater the satisfaction and consequently the benefits.

Smart Mice Destination

ICT as a catalyst for Smart Mice Destination

Information and communication technologies are a major attraction for destinations, and their application in the meetings tourism sector is key.

The celebration of the MICE TIC DAY organized by Catalunya Convention Bureau of the Agència Catalana de Turisme last June, was a meeting point for technology companies and MICE professionals. Presentations and round tables were organized where reflections were given on the challenges of MICE in the post-covid era and the opportunities generated by the digital transformation of the sector.

This conference is part of the strategic goal of positioning Catalonia as a pioneering and innovative MICE destination internationally, and that is able to respond to the new market needs.

The day was recorded in streaming format. Ivan BofarullChief Innovation Officer at ESADE and professor of innovation in corporate programs, made a presentation focused on how disruptive innovation is weaving networks that facilitate the reinvention of business and how the events and congresses sector is applying the new rules of the game (can be viewed from minute 12:40).

For a destination to be defined as Smart, it is necessary to implement a series of formulas that must cover current needs, to know how to innovate by adapting to the changes that arise day by day and to take into account who will be the target of the project to turn a destination into Smart.

After reading this article, we challenge you to reflect on how you can contribute as a company in the sector to innovate in a disruptive way through new business models: Specific, measurable, achievable, timed and ecological (Smart-E).

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