
Women Talent Seminar

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Use your talent in feminine

Women Talent Seminar encourages participants to make use of their soft skills. of their soft skills

“Welcome to Women Talent Seminar, the experience that will approach you to the future within the New Paradigm. Technology, Knowledge exchange, Innovation, Tools, Latest Trends.Use your feminine Talent and enjoy your journey!”*

A voiceover repeated this message while futuristic music played in the background.
This atmosphere marked the beginning of the Women Talent Seminar, a unique event, because it unites women with innovation and technology, a sector in which women represent only 10% of the management positions.

“It’s very strange to see so many women together. I’m the only woman in my company,” said a computer engineer who is used to a more masculine work environment.

As attendees collected their goodie bags, Masha Galaktionova and Claudia Dakhil from the Women Talent team explained how to hang a sign to put their business cards on in an innovative way, explaining their talents, how their business impacts the world, and encouraging them to draw themselves. It was the first indication that, at this event, the attendees had come to do more than just listen. The first sign of innovation.

Different professional profiles shared their experience

From entrepreneurs such as Francesca Gabetti, from TeamEQ or Gloria Molins, from Trip4Real to researchers such as Núria Sebastián, vice-president of the European Research Council, and communication professionals such as Kimberly King, Gemma Cernuda or Eva Peruga.

While an application showed in a very colorful and visual way the tweets with the hashtag #womentalent, which were another of the ways of interacting that the attendees could use, Alexandra Etel was transcribing in images all the ideas that were emerging in the different presentations in a colorful and visual way.

All the speakers had the same dream: to feminize companies, to increase not only the presence of women at all levels of the companies but also to support a change in the business paradigm, promoting female or soft skills.

After these talks, interviews and debates, the attendees were able to put into practice everything they had learned throughout the day, and for this purpose they made use of the Lean Camp, an innovative tool for knowledge exchange, developed in Silicon Valley. This method consists of creating groups that present their knowledge on a given subject. At Women Talent there were four panels, moderated by: Kimberly King, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Francesca Gabetti, Human Capital; Maggie Dugan, Technology; and Pilar Blázquez, Trends and Opportunities.

After dividing themselves according to their interests in these four panels, the participants became the protagonists of the afternoon, taking the initiative and contributing content, new ideas, expertise and learning by doing.

However, there was no lack of dynamics to loosen the muscles and shake the minds that helped to create the ideal atmosphere to let the imagination fly and bring disruptive and innovative ideas into the
Lean Camp

Concert & Cocktail

A concert enlivened the cocktail dinner that passed with a taste of change, the attendees felt protagonists of a new concept of business, of economy, something very minority until not long ago but that is taking shape little by little. Companies that do not adopt these new values will eventually disappear to make way for a new economy that will naturally take their place.

If we had to define Women Talent Seminar in one word, it would be:
. Innovative in terms of its theme, its target, the space where it took place, the stage decoration, the Lean Camp, the group dynamics, the layout of the cards, its transforming spirit…

Its real success will be to make what is transgressive today a common reality someday.

And that day is getting closer and closer if we all create it. To believe is to create. That is the innovation the world needs. And for this, Valkiria is the place from where these initiatives are created.


(*) Welcome to Women Talent Seminar, the experience that will bring you closer to the future in the new paradigm.
Technology, Knowledge sharing, Innovation, Tools, Latest trends.
Use your feminine talent and enjoy the day!


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