We often wonder how we can implement the Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nations has set as targets to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a sustainable development agenda. These goals have been adopted by world leaders since 2015 and multiple strategies have been outlined so that, over the course of 15 years, the measures to achieve them are implemented. Today we will talk about how to integrate the SDGs in the MICE sector, more specifically in your events.
In Spain, both the public and private sectors work hand in hand to develop different programs and strategies that allow the development of various projects that generate the conditions to meet the 2030 agenda. But what does this mean for the country’s MICE sector?
Context for perspective
2020 was the year that forced to accelerate business innovation and take a step forward in the adjustment of business models, this made all companies that are part of the MICE sector to put all their experience at the service of innovation. Each autonomous community, in collaboration with the private sector, is reactivating the sector with a view to the implementation of the SDGs in different areas, the MICE sector is no exception.
According to Hosteltur in its
2021 MICE & Business Special
As the number of meetings and events revenues fell by 78.3% in 2020, this makes the recovery challenge that much higher. However, being one of the sectors most affected by the current global crisis, the MICE sector has all the tools to boost the country’s economic recovery.
SDGs: the gateway to a planetary approach to recovery
Valkiria has been working for years in the planning and integration of best practices that help the sector and companies to improve their work perspective from the perspective of the 2030 agenda. The challenge is to achieve sustainability in the 17 Goals. As we know that it is not easy and that changes are not always easy to adopt, we leave you with a series of recommendations that may be useful when planning your event, so that you too can leave your mark on the recovery of the MICE sector by applying ODS.
- End of poverty: Integrate partners and suppliers to manage more efficient solutions to meet the needs of your event. Collaborate with associations and organizations that focus on this objective.
- Zero hunger: We love good catering, but food cannot go to waste. Look for options to donate leftover food to an organization that can manage the food for distribution to those in need.
- Health and wellness: Each event is a different experience, so make sure your event has activities designed for your attendees to be in a space with excellent ventilation, comfort, ergonomics, light, among others.
- Quality education: Raising awareness about the SDGs can be a thematic axis within your event, without stealing the limelight from your main objective, you can include SDG education with the help of experts and advisors that involve some objectives within the development of the event, so you will have a better impact on your audience.
- Gender equality: Invite speakers on an equal basis, eliminate established gender roles in the industry such as women make better hostesses and men make better sound technicians.
- Clean water and sanitation: use your event platform to raise awareness of this important issue and be sure to implement it during your event.
- Affordable and non-polluting energy: Look for suppliers that guarantee the responsible use of energy and that have the technology to not generate a greater impact on the environment.
- Decent work and economic growth: events are exciting and stressful, but we 100% guarantee that if you plan your event with time and efficiency, you will have better work practices and generate better benefits for your company, which will make it much more competitive and solid, as well as benefit your community.
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure: the MICE sector has been an example of innovation. So you can not be in better hands to achieve this goal in your event, you just need excellent advice.
- Reducing inequalities: hire a variety of profiles for your event. If you open the door to the inclusion of different profiles, skills, areas of knowledge, cultures and work environments, your event will be of the highest quality and will leave an indelible mark on your audience. Connecting with more people will help you have stronger networks for your company.
- Sustainable cities and communities: Barcelona is a meeting point and the second most important city in the MICE sector in Spain, bet on your event for spaces that offer community, sustainability, efficient mobility and bet on the talent of the community where you will hold your event.
- Responsible production and consumption: Reduce the use of paper, plastic and resources that can affect the community and the environment to avoid waste. Use digital techniques, gamification, hybrid and digital events, experiences that can generate greater value in your audience and so we all win.
- Climate Action: Recycle. Reuse elements and materials left over from your event. This will help reduce costs and generate awareness among your audience.
- Underwater life: Barcelona receives hundreds of thousands of tourists and visitors from all over the world who come to different events, every time you help with your event to reduce the environmental impact, the sea also thanks you.
- Life of terrestrial ecosystems: hold your event in spaces that do not affect the ecosystem around you and use the resources to take advantage of them without waste.
- Peace, justice and strong institutions: link your community in different activities to carry out your event. Hire in a balanced and equitable way all the actors involved in your event and look for ways to generate more than an economic benefit for them. Form new communities of cooperation.
- Partnerships to achieve the goals: join the talent of other companies and individuals who can make your event a unique experience and create scenarios to disseminate your goals, intertwining them with the SDGs in your event. You will see the difference.
There are many options for applying the SDGs in the MICE sector in our day-to-day work. What are your ideas or strategies?