
Biz Barcelona 2017: How to create a Culture of Innovation within organizations.

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Last month World Work Innovation (WWi) was present at Biz Barcelona 2017 to present new trends in workplace innovation.
On May 31 at 5pm in the Tendencias Room, WWi presented the conference ‘Culture eats Open Innovation for Breakfast‘ by Professor Jay Rao from Babson College, who talked about how to develop a true Culture of Innovation in a sustainable way over time.
Also in the Trends Room, at 6:00 pm, we had a panel of experts who discussed new trends in labor innovation. The experts were: Fran Chuan, CEO and co-founder of Dicere Global & Innoquotient; Óscar Paz, Head of AXA Opensurance and Lluis Font, CEO of Agile Sales. A panel moderated by Professor Simon Dolan of the Global Future of Work Foundation.
We also present the keys to our next WWi (World Work Innovation) Summit, which will take place at The Innohub Valkiria on October 5 and 6, under the title ‘The Innovation Shift: From Open Innovation to Change of Culture‘. WWi Summit 2017 Website: http://wwisummitlive.org/
Finally, on June 1, the talk “Digital natives do not exist” was given by Susana Lluna, digital strategy consultant.

Read more about what happened these days at Biz Barcelona here.

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