
The year at Valkiria Hub Space: 2020 milestones and challenges

It seems that this year ends with a sense of optimism, and as we do not want to be left behind and we love to share with you the most relevant developments, trends and news of the MICE sector in Barcelona, we want to share the milestones of our year in terms of Events at Valkiria Hub Space.

Hybrid events

Superminds and Tag Dando la Cara were certainly a challenge. The need to reconnect with friends and colleagues in the midst of a pandemic led us to rediscover ways to create events at Valkiria. Here, although many of you would believe that technology is the protagonist, we insist that who starred in these events was the talent of people to find ways to share information, experiences and knowledge from the ease that technology gives.

Virtual events

We were able to co-create and collaborate in the production of virtual events with our partners and allies, so that companies and associations would not be left out of the dynamics of connectivity and communication during this 2020. The incredible thing is that at Valkiria we have been dreaming about this type of meetings for a long time, but this year gave us the necessary push to develop a much more efficient, interactive and dynamic product, without losing the essence of the events that we always love to produce.

Valkyrie Stage

Spaces, spaces and more spaces that we see that could not only be used for events. Producers, audiovisual creatives and the entire creative industry can now enjoy Valkiria’s spaces to make their productions in Stage mode. We understand that there is a growing need for venues for this sector and also for events of different types, so this year in Valkiria Hub Space, we decided to open the doors and set up a set proposal where you can let your imagination fly.

In summary, this year has left us with many new learnings, it has connected us with many more people and it is time to co-create. The events sector in Barcleona is one of the most relevant not only for the city’s economy, but it is also part of the city’s culture. So with all the commitment and dedication we have for what we love to do, we want to thank you for the company, for the support and for believing in what we do.

2021 will be full of surprises, novelties and creativity. Will you join us?


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