We tend to think that today’s young people come with technology learned by default and that they have a greater knowledge of Internet use, which does not mean that they know how it works or that they know their rights and duties.
Susana Lluna
Fernando de la Rosa
explained how we should educate our children in a digital world, being parents, politicians and educators referents to follow and an example of values.
In this
WWi Talk
we had the keys so that the “digital orphans”, as they are coined in the book “
Digital natives do not exist
In this talk we had the keys for the “digital orphans”, as they are coined in the book “, to become aware of their digital identity so they can navigate safely in this online ocean.
We analyze what is the education of children in the digital environment, how to guide them to make good use of technologies and to acquire skills and abilities so that their experience is enriching.
More information here