female talentvalkyrie of solidarity

Valkyrie in solidarity: empowering women in Morocco!

Companies have long ceased to be simply entities involving capital and labor. The new concept of the company goes beyond this definition and goes beyond it. How can an organization detach itself from its purely commercial purposes? The answer: by identifying with social purposes and developing their altruistic side. Today we want to tell you about Valkiria Solidaria.

We are not referring to the fact of being supportive with an expiration date, since company managers are well aware that actions of this type increase the brand’s reputation. We refer to the fact that our actions are aligned with our values. That is, to do so out of conviction, not convenience.

In this sense, from Valkiria Group, through Valkiria Solidaria, integrated by Valkiria Hub Space and Institute for Futures, we try to ensure that our actions are always in line with our brand philosophy, always driven by our CEO Iolanda Triviño. That’s why today we want to tell you about the awareness trips we made eight years ago together with Universidad de la Felicidad to help and empower thousands of women.

Female talent!

We created a network of trainers through the ESSOM Foundation in Morocco to contribute to the family economy of almost 1000 families in the rural area in the south of Morocco.

This initiative is committed to female entrepreneurship and to generating projects that have an impact on improving the family economy. In addition, the ESSOM Association works with local entities, governmental institutions and international partners.

Valkiria Group has been collaborating since 2014 and is represented by our CEO Iolanda Triviño, who is in charge of carrying out this mission and joining each of the trips. She is one of the 25 women who are in charge of giving workshops on education, entrepreneurship and marketing to women who are part of a society that needs to give them more value and independence.

Three lines of action

  • Self-knowledge

The team of people who make up the solidarity trips, in which women are trained, has one objective: to get to know each other through these actions. Because the best way to connect with our potential is to let ourselves flow.

People who participate in the trip connect with their “Self” and acquire content and tools based on personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Solidarity cooperativism

The word “altruism” is present throughout the project and also in the philosophy that drives us to carry out each action. Valkiria Group and the partners of this experience want to share our entrepreneurial and human vision with associations and cooperatives in emerging economies.

We want to collaborate by contributing knowledge and exchanging work methodologies. We promote, from Viajes de Consciencia and Institute For Futures by Valkiria, programs of solidarity towards women in all areas, such as personal, family and professional.

  • Get to know Morocco

The route we propose is very diverse and interesting: Fez, religious, cultural, intellectual capital and its major center of craftsmanship. It is of great tourist interest for its medina, of medieval origin, the best and largest in Morocco and its university, radiates its influence throughout the country.


Altruism: our key word

The key to being socially responsible is to keep in mind human nature, that which drives us to perform collaborative actions without expecting anything in return.

Human beings tend by nature to help and cooperate with each other. This has been demonstrated by Sylvie Gilman and Thierry de Lestrade, who disprove the theory that altruism does not exist.

Altruism does exist and is a human tendency. However, we have moved towards a model of society in which individualism, competitiveness and selfishness prevail, and this is reflected in the unhappiness and suffering of the vast majority of people on the planet.

At Valkiria Group, we are convinced that selfishness is a cultural construct that we can tear down with each of our actions. We encourage you to get to know our projects to build a fairer society. Follow us on our social networks to find out everything. We’ll meet again in the next article!

