Team building

    300 M2





    Food & Drink


    Why choose our team building services?


    We strive to make our team building events environmentally friendly. We are committed to sustainable practices.


    Our team building events are designed for groups of 10 people and up, with no limits. The more participants, the better!


    We can carry out the activity in the language of your choice: English, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, among others.

    Team building with a Spanish flavor

    Discover our new team building experiences to immerse yourself in the culture of Spain and Catalonia! Boost your team’s creativity with innovative and dynamic activities that strengthen bonds and enhance teamwork. Make this season the best one for your team with our unique proposals!

    Enjoy a gamified craft beer tasting experience led by our expert brewmasters!

    This proposal will immerse you in the nuances of the best beers of our country in an exciting competition of questions agreed in teams, in true television style.

    As teams collaborate to answer the quiz questions, using their own cell phones or, optionally, iPads, they will engage in lively discussions, share opinions and make collective decisions.

    concurso de los castellers

    Castellers Team Building is a unique and attractive activity inspired by the traditional Catalan tradition of building human towers.

    Participants work collaboratively to build human towers known as “castells”, demonstrating teamwork, trust and communication skills.

    Participants are divided into teams, each representing a level of the human tower. The goal is to build a stable and impressive castle by coordinating movements and providing mutual support.

    dos personas bailando flamenco

    Immerse your team in the heart of Spanish culture with this Flamenco Moves Team Building.

    Discover its beauty: vibrant rhythms, expressive movements and passionate energy come together for a unique team building journey.

    Originating in Andalusia, this traditional art form, shaped by Gypsies, Moors, Jews and Andalusians over the centuries, symbolizes the Spanish identity.

    This activity will be the perfect fusion of tradition and team collaboration, celebrated with passionate singing, dancing and guitar music.

    park guell

    Artistic workshop that allows teams to discover and experiment with the artistic technique developed by Antoni Gaudí, characteristic of Catalan modernist architecture.

    It consists of using old ceramic pieces to decorate and create new volumes, visual effects and messages on a surface.

    Once presented the cultural and artistic environment of Antoni Gaudí and Modernism, we divide the group into teams to whom we present the challenge, which can be:

    Participants agree on a theme or image to be reproduced.

    COMPETITIVE: Teams participate in a Trencadís art contest that will test their creative potential. Teams conceptualize a topic with words, ideas and values. Teams divide these concepts and represent them separately.

    Discover the environment with a technological Treasure Hunt. This experience is a fantastic way to explore the meeting area, foster team collaboration and enjoy fun times with your colleagues.

    Each team will have to create a strategy to score as many points as possible by orienting themselves and unlocking challenges by geolocation. When they are within 20 meters of the point, the challenge will be unlocked and they can get to work to solve it.

    • Discover the main points of historical, architectural or artistic interest.
    • Promote camaraderie and creativity in a team competition with content tailored to generate engagement.
    • Lots and lots of fun through the challenges they will have to face.

    An extraordinary opportunity to live a teamwork experience where technology and gastronomic science manage to manipulate the states of matter and provide new sensations.

    To make this event possible, we will divide the group into teams, so that each of them can create spherifications of typical Catalan recipes as appetizers; and also produce them for as many diners as there are at the event. And finally to be able to taste the creations of our colleagues.

    Proposal of spherified appetizers:

    • Bloody mary empordanès with celery.
    • Green olives with anchovies from l’Escala.
    • Watermelon Gazpacho.
    • Bread with tomato.
    • Melon with ham.
    • Goat cheese with escalivada.
    • Apple and foie.
    • Peas with sausage.

    The objective is to put yourself in the shoes of a wine maker for a couple of hours and make your own wine together with your teammates. The organization will provide them with the technical and material elements, as well as the necessary advice to help the teams in the creative process.

    The wine created will represent some aspect related to the objective of the meeting, so that, through the language of wine, the participants will continue to reflect on the contents of the meeting. And they will be able to take home a bottle for each team member as a souvenir of the exercise and as a symbol of the wine’s purpose.

    An extraordinary opportunity to share as a team with a glocal touch glocal.

    The Creatapas workshop is a 100% participatory cooking workshop in which the group will be the protagonist.

    All participants, in teams and with the support of the chefs, must collaborate in the preparation of the first part of the meal. In addition, for the most daring, the workshop can be organized as a contest, in which they have to show their creative skills in front of the most demanding jury…

    Once the workshop is over, they will eat everything they have cooked, along with other tapas and dishes that our chefs will prepare.

    It is a participatory and interactive workshop, where you can have fun doing a different and fun activity. Oh, and of course, it’s guaranteed to eat well!

    Team building paella has been designed to improve the commitment of work teams and to disconnect from the business routine. During the activity, attendees will participate in recreational activities that promote cooperation and enhance corporate communication. Would you like to try it?

    How it works:

    We propose a fun and creative activity, in which participants have fun cooking, manipulate the ingredients and, afterwards, taste what they have prepared with the guidance of professional chefs. This activity favors communication and connection among participants.

    *Customization of the menu to the company’s needs (vegetarian/vegan options).


    The whole process usually lasts between 3 and 4 hours (cooking process + tasting).

    Team building options in the kitchen:

    – Paella Competition

    – Tapas workshop

    – Donosti workshop, pintxos and tapas

    – Japanese cooking workshop

    – Gourmet menu

    – Gin and tonic workshop


    Discover all our activities

    We present our team building options to foster collaboration and communication among your team members, strengthen interpersonal relationships, build a more cohesive and productive work environment in order to achieve the success and efficiency of your company.

    Get ready to live an experience of pure adrenaline and participate in a show where all of you will be the stars of the show. The essence of this program is to change the lyrics of a well-known rock song to highlight the objectives of the meeting and then participate in a live concert composed by all the teams.

    This activity allows to internalize these contents from an emotional, efficient and fun perspective, offering the opportunity to share the stage with a real band of professional musicians.

    And as the music plays, enjoy an exciting finale filled with dancing, good music and enthusiastic cheers. The audiovisual result is priceless!

    Audiovisual producers for a day. The teams take on the challenge of managing the entire creative process, with the support of a team of expert trainers in different disciplines.

    In this context, the teams must develop an audiovisual production. This experience platform allows 2 types of approaches:

    – Add Festival: Creation of an advertisement to highlight one of the contents or objectives of the meeting.

    – Full Movie: Each team takes charge of a scene from a specific script (Mission Efficiency, The Movie) and with a predefined Storyboard.

    Original Corporate Version. Video dubbing for corporate communication

    The challenge teams face is to dub an announcement (without audio) so that only by incorporating new sounds (music, dialogue and effects) it suddenly communicates a totally new message (aligned with the purpose of the meeting).

    This activity not only challenges the teams’ creativity and communication skills, but also fosters collaboration and coordination, as they must work together to create an effective presentation that conveys the corporate message in an impactful way.

    We propose to challenge the team with a sequence of teambuilding exercises of about 15-20 minutes each, to be performed in an indoor meeting room.

    In each of the bases they must solve the exercise set by a facilitator (sometimes competing with other teams, sometimes alone in front of the challenge). Some of the tests that could be organized are:


    When faced with a spider’s web made of elastic fabric, the whole team must cross from one side to the other, always using a different hole. They will have to help each other and make a good planning of where each one will go through.

    Big Bag Jump

    A 1 m3 sack with seven people inside will need to synchronize how they jump in order to move forward. A challenge with a lot of rhythm and a lot of fun.


    Blindfolded, the team must manage to place all the pieces on top of the board in balance and remove them without dropping them. A very difficult challenge because the table is only balanced by a single point.


    One gutter per person and the goal of transporting as many golf balls as possible from one bucket to another. They will have to relieve each other to achieve their goal. The competition judge is very strict with the rules, if you break them, you will have to start over.


    With some basic materials such as cardboard soda canes and masking tape, they will have to build a structure that will resist the fall of an egg from a considerable height.


    Wooden skewers, masking tape, rubber bands and a plastic spoon: with these materials they will have to build a structure capable of launching an egg as far as possible to participate in a catapult tournament.

    The idea is to carry out experiential challenges around the gastronomic culture of our country. With the possibility of adapting the menu to different areas. Duration: 3 hours Capacity: from 10 to 100 people

    This proposal seeks to take attendees out of the daily routine and work with them in a super de-stressing and fun dynamic. Participants will let their creativity fly through graffiti, creating urban style paintings with the help of a guide who will lead them towards the creation of a team painting. It’s the perfect option to enjoy with your colleagues!

    Duration: 3 – 4 hours. Capacity: from 30 to more people.

    Haka Team building is a guarantee of success, that’s why it is our star activity, an activity that motivates and empowers, and for which we receive spectacular feedback from our customers. You will learn and put into practice the dance that has made New Zealand’s rugby world champion team fashionable, because we reveal the secret of the best team in the world, so that you can feel the power that the Haka generates in your own team.

    Duration: 90-120 minutes

    Capacity: from 10 to 1000 people

    The activity we propose is the creation of a WORKSHOP ART that we are currently developing with the artist Daniel Berdala. A workshop concept of how to develop processes where emotions and their management are brought to bear for company managers and work groups. A networking activity where painting is used as a medium and where the realization of a creative work opens an abstract vision of the mind to the group that participates, achieving better professional results for the individual and the company.


    Previous brainstorming meeting with the agency and the client.

    Event group of 25 people/minimum.

    Workshop execution by daniel berdala (3 hours).

    Workshop materials (sprays, brushes, canvases and paints).

    Production team.

    Per diem.


    Installation (assembly and disassembly).

    Liability insurance.

    *Technical requirements:

    Nearby water point, for the use of paints and cleaning of the participants.

    The work will be carried out in a pleasant and comfortable space, where you can work in peace and quiet.

    Percussion shows us that, if we play with the same pulse, we are listening to each other and it is one of the oldest ways of working as a team. Based on this concept, this team building activity is based on drumming to the rhythm of the batucada, in which participants perform activities aimed at reinforcing teamwork and the feeling of belonging, with amazing results! We encourage you to live with us this unforgettable experience, to feel the power of our drums and the joy of experiencing the rhythm with your companions, it will not leave you indifferent!

    Duration: 70 minutes Capacity: from 10 to 300 people

    DOMINO EFFECT simulates a real-life project as teams are constrained by limited time and resources. While making use of their problem-solving, creative and communication skills, teams have to work together effectively in the design phase to create a realistic scope. Team dynamics and human resource management are tested in the planning phase as the design is divided into small segments, which require both human and physical resources to be divided into smaller working groups.

    Duration: 2 hours Capacity: from 10 to 140 persons

    Its purpose and intention is to provide a fun time for everyone without any golf experience. The great popularity of golf as a sport allows the exchange, use and communication between people of different ages. > circuit of houses, trees and garden > car circuit > wave circuit, lighthouse and boats > animal circuit > road circuit, slopes and bridges > mountain circuit and double arc

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 monitores]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 6 hours/day of activity. * technical needs: > surveillance during rest and downtime hours.

    Combining virtual reality and immersive 360º technology, we have created a unique experience that uses your senses and your body to let you experience the freedom of flying like a bird or how to perform a skydiving base jump, and discover natural landscapes, cities, and explore a new dimension of leisure for all audiences.

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 técnicos]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 55″ full HD screen for the transmission of the experience. > “customer branding incorporated into the flight program – new york-. > 6 hours/day of activity.

    * Technical needs: > 220w power outlet. > fences to delimit the perimeter of the activity [5m x 5m]. > surveillance during rest and stop hours of the activity. > the installation of the birdly must be located in a covered and air-conditioned space.

    These sessions have a direct impact on the people who participate, since they see their basic values reflected and how they are associated with those of the organization. We work transversally in the areas of leadership, team management, diverse, inclusive and multicultural talent management.

    Duration: 4 hours Capacity: from 5 to 30 persons

    This artistic team building activity is a fabulous way to work on values and corporate culture in a very creative and effective way, and to promote a great sense of belonging to the company. Team building participants will enjoy imagining and painting the bright future of their company, interact with their peers and feel imbued with the values, mission and vision of the company they are part of. It is undoubtedly a fabulous activity, ideal for all types of profiles, fun and motivating regardless of the employment sector, age or profile of the participants.

    Duration: 2 hours Capacity: from 10 to 300 persons

    La Bomba is an original and different team building, in which the challenges will bring out the best in the participants, who will have to show their collaborative spirit, their creativity and ingenuity. The participants could never imagine what is about to happen! Because, while the group is holding a work meeting, suddenly, several terrorists burst into the room and place a bomb connected to the room’s screen, in which the countdown anticipating the explosion of the device can be observed. The deactivation of the bomb is the crowning moment! It causes a contagious effect, in which motivation and self-esteem go through the roof and this effect can last for months within the teams and the company.

    Duration: 2 hours Capacity: from 10 to 250 people

    Armed with tools and a lot of enthusiasm, with this solidarity team building, your team will build the most advanced human rocket known to date: a bicycle for a child. The bell rings! Mechanical wonders are about to be presented. The teams are going to represent the advertising spot that their “marketing department” has prepared, in order to try to make a big sale. Imagine the faces of the little ones, their gestures of excitement and surprise, before a succession of colorful bicycles, since probably none of them had ever had the opportunity to ride one.

    Duration: 2 hours Capacity: from 10 to 300 persons

    Shall we play as a team?

    Immerse yourself in team fun with our fun activities! Develop collaboration and communication skills while enjoying exciting and dynamic games. Make working together an adventure!

    It is a set of games with the intention of making everyone have a fun time. Our GAMES OF THE WORLD, born from the idea of finding a family and team activity for companies, where everyone quickly identifies each area of play. The 14 themed areas of the world games are: > Chess > Giant Domino > Three in a row > The ladies > The game of the goose > Cornhole (2 units) > Dimples (2 units) > Leonardome > Parcheesi > Jenga (2 units) > Connecta 4 (2 units) > The frog game > Sjoelbak > set of rings (4 units)

    * Includes: > Transportation. > Installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > Organization of the activity. > Staff [2 monitores]. > Per diem. > Liability insurance. > 3 to 6 hours/day of activity. * Does not include: the corresponding VAT at all times.

    * Technical needs: > surveillance during hours of rest and shutdown of the activity.

    It proposes a new combination in sports: POOLBALL. The fun and competition of soccer, mixed with the precision of the ball and the intelligence of billiards. For one day, the playing field of a soccer field is transformed into a large billiard table, where soccer technique is not the most important thing… It is more the skill of marksmanship and the tactics of billiards.

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 monitores]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 6 hours/day of activity. * Technical needs: > surveillance during hours of rest and shutdown of the activity.

    A simple but addictive foosball game, played one on one. The two players are seated on the respective benches, which also act as goals. You just have to protect your goal, deceive your opponent with your footwork and score GOOOOOOOOOL!!!! You don’t need to run, but you do need to have a strategy ready for the next play.

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 monitores]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 6 hours/day of activity. * Technical needs: > surveillance during hours of rest and shutdown of the activity.

    We propose you to experience and participate in an Olympic modality of the Winter Olympic Games in your event: STREET CURLING. The competition of a professional sport, mixed with the perfect fun to captivate a “nobel” public in any type of event. For one day the rectangle of a shopping mall, street/plaza, sport events, a “Family Day” is transformed into a STREET CURLING track, where technique is not the most important thing…. but the skill of aim and tactics.

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 monitores]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 6 hours/day of activity. * Does not include: the corresponding vat at any time.

    Its purpose and intention is to provide a fun time for everyone without any golf experience. The great popularity of golf as a sport allows the exchange, use and communication between people of different ages. > circuit of houses, trees and garden > car circuit > wave circuit, lighthouse and boats > animal circuit > road circuit, slopes and bridges > mountain circuit and double arc

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 monitores]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 6 hours/day of activity. * technical needs: > surveillance during rest and downtime hours.

    Combining virtual reality and immersive 360º technology, we have created a unique experience that uses your senses and your body to let you experience the freedom of flying like a bird or how to perform a skydiving base jump, and discover natural landscapes, cities, and explore a new dimension of leisure for all audiences.

    * Includes: > transportation. > installation [montaje y desmontaje]. > organization of the activity. > staff [2 técnicos]. > diets. > liability insurance. > 55″ full HD screen for the transmission of the experience. > “customer branding incorporated into the flight program – new york-. > 6 hours/day of activity.

    * Technical needs: > 220w power outlet. > fences to delimit the perimeter of the activity [5m x 5m]. > surveillance during rest and stop hours of the activity. > the installation of the birdly must be located in a covered and air-conditioned space.

    Team building kitchen, TOP SALES!

    Team building kitchen has been designed to improve the commitment of work teams and to disconnect from the business routine. During the activity, attendees will participate in recreational activities that promote cooperation and enhance corporate communication. Would you like to try it?


    Shall we get together to cook?

    How it works:

    We propose a fun and creative activity, in which participants have fun cooking, manipulate the ingredients and, afterwards, taste what they have prepared with the guidance of professional chefs. This activity favors communication and connection among participants.

    *Customization of the menu to the company’s needs (vegetarian/vegan options).


    The whole process usually lasts between 3 and 4 hours (cooking process + tasting).

    Team building options in the kitchen:

    – Paella Competition

    – Tapas workshop

    – Donosti workshop, pintxos and tapas

    – Japanese cooking workshop

    – Gourmet menu

    – Gin and tonic workshop



    • Drinks: wine, beer, soft drinks and water during the activity.
    • Chef who will accompany you during the activity and during the service.
    • The menu with the chosen dishes.
    • The recipe book in digital format.
    • All the ingredients for the preparation of the menu.


    • Decoration, flowers, corporate gifts, hats, embroidered or silk-screened aprons, etc.
    • Video summary of the activity.
    • Choice of organic wines (biodynamic cultivation) for meals.
    • Special wines or champagnes with or without pairing.


    To inquire about our team building kitchen, please send us an email at with as much information as you have. Indicate contact information, number of attendees, menu or style of workshop you would like, dates and desired schedule. We will send you a fast and accurate quotation as soon as possible. We will be happy to help you!


      Last name:




